Kid’s Chore Chart

Kids Chore Chart

Summer is here and I’ve already told my kids that they are responsible for cleaning up after their selves! Then I told them I was going to make a chore chart and I may have gotten a few eye rolls. But they knew how serious I was when I said there will be NO electronics until AFTER these chores are completed each day. I’m sure you all reading this can completely understand the parent struggles.

So, I have three kids. I had to decide if there would be a chore chart for each child? One as a whole? What chores do I include? Just daily tasks, or things a little more in depth??? Do they get a small allowance for doing little more extras?

My kids are 6, 8 and 13, so I knew that I had to keep things simple. The dollar tree is my first GO TO place when doing a project. They have everything AND it’s only a dollar. Yes, 1 dollar! They have bags of 36 clothes pins. Which, I needed 2 bags. Then, I was looking for some small poster board. But what I found were these fabulous thin canvas!!!!!! They are AMAZING!

I kept things simple. First, I drew a line down the center. Then a line across the top. The left side says TO DO and the right says DONE. I wrote on each clothes pin tasks that needed to be completed. Like, brush your teeth, feed the pets, pick up toys, put away clothes, pick up dirty clothes, sweep floors, etc. Once they complete these things each day, they will move the clothes pin to the right  DONE section.

I decided that each child needed their own chore chart. That way I can keep track of who did what for the day. And hopefully there will be no arguing. Good luck with that, right? Let’s hope this works and keeps my house from being a mess this summer!

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Jessica Cooper

I have been crocheting since I was a child. My huge love for crochet has opened this opportunity to teach others through this blog and online learning.

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